Nuttige Adressen

Internationale aanverwante organisaties

eBA: European Burns Association

The European Burns Association was founded in 1981 by leading burn specialists in Europe. To encourage co-operation in the field of burn care throughout the continent.
The EBA serves as a forum through which medical specialists, researchers, professions allied to medicine (PAM) and other workers come in contact to discuss aspects of burn treatment and research. In this way, expertise and knowledge are spread throughout the countries of Europe.
And has been established as a non-profit making organisation for the benefit of the public, to promote burn prevention, to study the prevention of burn injury and all other aspects of burn treatment
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Nederlandse brandwonden stichting

Er is pas werkelijk sprake van acceptatie van brandwondenslachtoffers als wij overal in de samenleving kunnen leven, werken en recreëren, zonder te voelen dat we brandwondenslachtoffer zijn. Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting logo
Association des Brûlés de france

L'ABF a pour vocation l'accompagnement, le soutien et la défense des droits des brûlés, dans toutes les phases de leur prise en charge, jusqu’à leur réinsertion dans la vie active et, si possible, dans le monde du travail. ABF logo
Société Française d’Etude et des Traitement des Brûlures

La Société Française d'Etude et de Traitement des Brûlures, regroupe en son sein, l'ensemble des professionnels impliqués dans la prise en charge des brûlés adultes et enfants.

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American Burn Association

The American Burn Association is dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by burn injury through patient care, education,   research and advocacy.

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International Society for Burns Injuries
Since the Society was founded, the total medical care of burn patients has improved considerably. This is not only because medical science has improved but also because there is also a better understanding of the need for a team of professionals of different specialties such as surgeons, anaesthetists, bacteriologists, critical care physicians, nurses, dieticians, physiotherapists, etc. Each and every one of these specialists plays a very important role.

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Burns aims to foster the exchange of information among all engaged in preventing and treating the effects of thermal injury. The journal focuses on clinical, scientific and social aspects of these injuries and covers the prevention of thermal injury, the epidemiology of such injuries and all aspects of treatment. Regular features include clinical and scientific papers; state of the art reviews; case reports and descriptions of burn-care in practice; listings of current relevant literature and reviews of selected articles.

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The Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters
The MBC, Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters (formerly “Mediterranean Club for Burns and Fire Disasters), is a scientific organization that brings together all the medical, surgical, nursing, public health and fire-fighting professions concerned with thermal injury and fire safety at all levels and in all forms. It encourages high standards of burn care and collaborates internationally to strengthen prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in burns and fires.

Unité de kinésithérapie des brulés
Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph-Saint Luc 20, quai Claude Bernard - F-69365 LYON Cedex 07 – FRANCE Kinebrul logo

Initiative für brandverletzte Kinder
Paulinchen e.V. wurde 1993 gegründet, um Familien nach Verbrennungs- und Verbrühungsunfällen ihrer Kinder zu beraten, bei Problemen in der Rehabilitationszeit zu helfen sowie präventiv auf die Unfallursachen hinzuweisen.

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petra krause
Mit ihrem Buch will Petra Krause-Wloch, langjährige Krankenschwester, ausgebildete PDL und Journalistin, ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen als Brandverletzte sowie Gründerin und Vorsitzende der Bundesinitiative für Brandverletzte weitergeben.

changing faces

Disfigurement can affect anyone, at any time or at any age. Changing Faces is a national charity based in the UK that supports and represents people who have disfigurements of the face or body from any cause.

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Cursus spoedeisende hulp bij brandwonden (EMSB)

De Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting organiseert in samenwerking met het ministerie van Defensie vier keer per jaar de cursus 'spoedeisende hulp bij brandwonden' (EMSB) voor artsen en verpleegkundigen in algemene ziekenhuizen. EMSB logo
the lancet

The journal was, and remains, independent, without affiliation to a medical or scientific organisation. More than 180 years later, The Lancet is an independent and authoritative voice in global medicine.

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Domus Medica

Domus Medica vzw behartigt de belangen van de huisartsen en de huisartsenkringen in Vlaanderen op wetenschappelijk, maatschappelijk en syndicaal vlak via democratische besluitvorming en wetenschappelijke onderbouw en bevordert de ontwikkeling en realisatie van een goede patiëntgerichte gezondheidszorg en zorgbeleid..

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